Орден Святого Дитя

Цель ордена

Марк Л. Профет учредил орден Святого Младенца в 1952 году. Первоначально известный как Небесный орден ребенка, Марк основал этот священный орден для законодателей, правителей, руководителей культуры и граждан, которые обещали «всегда помнить о маленьком ребенке будущего».

Святое Дитя

The Ascended Master Lanello now sponsors the Order of the Holy Child for the defense and protection of the little child. Education of the child and teaching them how to give and receive love is an important focus of the Order, as well as giving guidance to the child in the development of the heart to pursue their goal in life.

The Order of the Holy Child is also dedicated to teaching children about a path of service, health, science and abundance. The Order provides mutual reinforcement within the world community with those who are dedicated to serving the child's practical needs. So there are numerous ways that members of the Order can serve the overall mission. Certainly there is no greater resource than our children and no greater calling than to help them shape their future.

Membership is open to anyone who chooses to become an advocate for the child, sign and uphold a pledge, and devote one minute a day to reading a pledge inscribed on the Certificate of Membership. Once you register for the Order of the Holy Child, you will receive a Certificate of Membership to download.
Offer a weekly prayer vigil for children and youth in your home and/or join a evening Vigil for Youth at a Summit Lighthouse Study Group.
Charity Work
  1. All charity work that involves the support, protection and education of the child.
  2. Big Brother, Big Sister, Literacy Army, Pro-Life, supporting orphanages, foster care, parent support group, teaching Sunday School and visiting sick children in hospitals.
Contact Information
  1. For questions or to send your creative ideas for this or other Holy Orders please e-mail HolyOrders@tsl.org.
  2. Or you can contact customer service 1-800-245-5445 or 1-406-848-9500.

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